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DIY Tips To Clean Your Air Conditioning Repair System Coils

Several times, when it comes time to perform an air conditioning repair in Port St. Lucie FL, we often overlook or forget to clean components that are out of our sight inside the system cabinet or air handler enclosure. One of these important air conditioning components is evaporator coils. Dirty AC coils contribute to the loss of your system's efficiency and performance, which can result in a complete breakdown or damage to the system itself.

According to, clean air conditioning coils are an important part of your air conditioner. So, before you get engaged with the cleaning of your AC coils or hire a commercial HVAC repair in Port St. Lucie to undergo the process, you must have some basic knowledge of the working of an air conditioning unit, plus the importance of the evaporator's coils.

Why Evaporator Coils Are Important

The primary function of an evaporator coil is to capture heat from your home indoors. While the evaporator coils start working, the condenser coils (or the fan coils) release the trapped heat into the air around the outdoor unit. Both coils are usually made of copper and are covered by multiple aluminum fins that allow a faster heat transfer within the arrangement. These are situated in different areas of the air conditioning system - evaporator coils are located in the indoor air handling unit inside your home, whereas condenser coils are in the outdoor cabinet of your AC unit.

Evaporator coils play a crucial role in the operation of the cooling function of your AC system by supplying the cooling required to produce the cold air that maintains the indoor air of your home or place of business comfortable even in the hottest temperatures. They contribute to the dehumidification your HVAC system offers as well. As the coils get colder, water condenses onto them, removing them from indoor air. After being collected in the drain pan, this water can safely flow out of the system.

Dirty evaporator coils severely affect the effectiveness and performance of these two vital functions. Due to the coils' typical moisture content from dehumidification, dust, pollen, and other air pollutants will stick to them when the air flows over them. The number of contaminants that come into contact with the coil may also increase if the air filter is dirty or not used at all. When all of these elements are present, enough dirt and dust can build up on the coils to negatively affect their performance in a short period.

Common problems that may occur when the condenser and evaporator coils get dirty:

  • Ice build-up on coil

  • Increased load on the system (leading to damage and malfunctions)

  • Reduced cooling capacity

  • Reduced heat transfer

  • High energy consumption

  • High temperatures and operating pressures

Dirty coils can consume up to 40% more energy than standard AC units with clean coils, reducing the unit's cooling function by an estimated 30% or more. Not only will this reduce the overall performance and efficiency of your AC unit, but your monthly bills will skyrocket if dirty coils are left to wreak havoc. Coils on evaporators should be checked frequently and cleaned as necessary. Monthly cleaning may be required because coils are sometimes prone to easily collecting dirt and debris. Nonetheless, a typical system often requires cleaning every three months throughout the cooling season and, at the very least, once a year during regular commercial HVAC repair in Port St. Lucie.

How to Clean Your AC Coils

The first step to systematically cleaning your AC coils or a complete air conditioning repair in Port St. Lucie FL is by getting access to them. Evaporator coils are located behind the removable access panel inside your indoor handling unit. Make sure to turn off the thermostat of your air conditioning unit before starting the cleaning process. Shut off the circuit breaker to ensure safety, and then remove the screws or fasteners and loosen the panel. Place the panel and screws aside while ensuring they won't get lost.

Next, use any one of the following DIY techniques to clean the evaporator coils of your AC unit:

  • Using compressed air: Remove the large build-up of dirt on your AC evaporator coils by using compressed air to blow the dirt off the coil. Make sure to maintain a consistent airflow across the coil, wear eye protection and use a shop vac to clean up the dirt and debris.

  • Using a brush: With this method, you need to use a brush directly on the coils to sweep the dirt away. This is an effective technique to remove light amounts of dirt from the coils while also ensuring more control over the pressure and the cleaning areas. Remember to use a soft brush.

  • Heavy-duty cleaning: You can hire a professional service for air conditioning repair in Port St. Lucie FL if your evaporator coils are soiled heavily. These companies use heavy-duty cleaning chemicals and equipment such as a steam cleaner or pressure washer to clean the system thoroughly. Consult with your HVAC contractor, who can assess the job and have the correct equipment required for the process.

Bottom Line

If you have made up your mind to undergo a commercial HVAC repair in Port St. Lucie, follow the above HVAC repair tips, no matter which HVAC system you use. Also, ensure the safety and security of the system.

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