Most of us remember a chiropractor only when we suffer from back or neck pain but a holistic doctor in Denver can treat more problems. Chiropractors specialize in treating various neuromusculoskeletal problems through various techniques like spinal traction, Kinesio taping, etc. to relieve body aches and restore your range of motion. If you aren’t sure whether you need to visit a chiropractic doctor or not, then here’s a list of conditions that they can help you with.
What Does A Chiropractor Treat?
Neck Pain
The second most common reason why people consult chiropractors, neck pain occurs due to various factors.
Back Pain
Back pain is the most common reason why we consult a holistic doctor in Denver. The lower back, in particular, is vulnerable to pain due to various factors like heavy lifting, lack of exercise, etc.
Back Sprains/Strains
A back sprain occurs when the ligaments in the back get stretched or torn. It’s called a strain when that happens to the muscles.
Cervicogenic Headache
Sometimes, neck pain may lead to a headache in the back of the head, temples or behind the eyes. This is called cervicogenic headache though people tend to mistake it for migraines.
Tension Headache
Pain in the back of the head or neck occurs due to stress or bad posture.
Anxiety, depression, and stress are common causes for many body aches, especially headaches. You can consult a chiropractor in Denver to find help with these mental conditions.
A neurological condition that has many symptoms like an intense headache, light sensitivity, nausea, etc.
Whiplash is a neck sprain that occurs when a person’s head jerks forward and backward very quickly. It commonly occurs during car accidents or when you hit the brakes suddenly.
Sacroiliac Pain
It is a pain caused by problems in the sacroiliac joint at the bottom of the spine. It occurs in the thighs or the buttocks.
Myofascial Pain
A chronic pain condition in which pressure on trigger points of your body may cause pain in seemingly unconnected parts of the body.
It’s a pain that occurs in the tailbone due to falling on the tailbone or riding the bike for too long. Piriformis Syndrome When the piriformis muscle (a thin muscle in the buttocks) compresses or irritates the sciatic nerve.
A disorder that causes pain throughout the musculoskeletal system. Spondylosis A type of osteoarthritis that affects the vertebrae, it occurs with aging.
Degenerative Disc Disease
As you age, the pillow-like cushions between your vertebrae wear due to years of strain, overuse or misuse due to which they lose flexibility and shock absorption.
Herniated Disc
A herniated disc is a portion of the disc nucleus that leaks out of the annulus into the spinal canal. It may cause pain if it touches a nerve.
It occurs when something compresses or irritates the sciatic nerve or one of its branches. You can identify it with a sharp shooting pain below your knees.
Short Leg
Also called leg length discrepancy, it’s a condition in which one leg is shorter than the other. It can occur due to birth defects or poor posture (like a pelvic tilt.) Shoulder Pain Shoulders tend to get stiff and ache as you age. Knee Pain Knees tend to wear due to aging and osteoarthritis, which causes pain and stiffness.
Sports Injuries
While physical activities are important to strengthen muscles and maintain good health, sportspeople are more vulnerable to injuries than average people and may need treatment for musculoskeletal injuries. Limited Range Of Motion Joints may not move as much as they should due to aging or an injury.
Bad Body Posture
A bad body posture when sleeping, sitting or standing can strain some muscles and weaken others making us more vulnerable to the problems discussed above. A chiropractor in Denver can advise you on the best methods to fix your posture.