After months of resting during the winter, your air conditioner may face some problems when you start using it during the summer. That’s why experts suggest that you should prepare your system for the warmer season during the last weeks of winter or the first weeks of spring. But if the spring was mild and pleasant, you may have waited until summer before calling AC repair in Jensen Beach. Don’t worry, it’s still not too late to begin preparing your unit for the season. Here are some tips to get your air conditioning up and ready for the sunny days ahead:
Clean Air Filters
The air filters are responsible for filtering dust from the air entering the air conditioning system. If left alone for long, the dust may clog the pores and cause the system to malfunction. They may collect dust during winter as well even if you don’t use the air conditioner. Depending on the filter’s design, you may either need to clean or replace them every one to three months.
Clean Ducts
If the air conditioner’s ductwork is connected to your furnace as well then it may collect dust, hair and other stuff. You can clean it yourself with a vacuum but may need to call a professional if you notice a bad odor, pests or debris inside. You may also need professionals if you renovated your house recently.
Remove Cover
Remove the covers on the outdoor unit and vents before you start the air conditioner to prevent any issues with heat transfer. Clean the covers and store them properly for next winter.
Clean Outdoor Unit
The outdoor unit tends to collect dust and debris during the winter. Remove leaves and branches by hand. Wash the coils and fins with a water hose at low pressure. Clear the vegetation around the unit. If you notice a pest infestation, call pest control.
Check AC Pad
The outdoor AC pad may sink due to loose soil below and tilt the outdoor unit. You may not need to do anything unless the wires and pipes connecting the outdoor unit to the indoor unit come loose or puddles form below the unit. In that case, you may need to flatten the foundation below the pad or place the unit and pad elsewhere.
Check Coolant Lines
Check the lines for any signs of leakage like cracks or loose connections. You can also use a gas detector. If you notice a leak, call an AC repair in Port St. Lucie to fix the leak and refill the gas if necessary.
Check Drain Pipes
The drain pipe may get clogged or develop cracks during winter. Check for signs of leakage like puddles, mold, rotting wood around the pipes, etc. and call a professional.
Check Wiring
The wiring tends to get damaged due to pests, electrical surges or debris. Check the visible wires for damaged insulation. Check if the outdoor panel is intact. Call a repair service if you notice damage to the wiring.
Test The Unit
If everything seems to be in order, then remove the covers, connect the power supply and start the AC to find any hidden issues it may have. If you notice any issues like short cycling then call an AC repair in Jensen Beach.
Check Thermostat
Check if the thermostat controls are working properly. If they don’t then try replacing the batteries. If that doesn’t help then try replacing the thermostat. Consider using a smart thermostat for better control over energy-efficiency and cooling power. If that doesn’t work then the issue may be inside the system.
Schedule Maintenance
You can skip some of the steps mentioned above by scheduling a periodic AC repair in Port St. Lucie. The experts can detect major or minor issues in your system and fix them on time. They may also clean the ducts and outdoor unit though you may have to clean filters yourself. You should ideally schedule the maintenance during the last weeks of winter or the first weeks of spring so that your system is ready for summer.