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Ceramic and porcelain tiles are the best choice for bathroom and kitchen floors due to the lack of pores in the material that make them nearly waterproof. They are also easy to clean and can last for long until a heavy object falls on a tile and cracks it. Minor cracks can be filled with epoxy and painted over but major cracks are hard to hide, so the broken tiles need to be replaced. Fortunately, with the right tools and materials, you can conduct tile repair in Parker on your own. The materials needed don’t cost a lot and the process doesn’t take a lot of time.

Tools & Materials Needed For Tile Repair

Tools - safety glasses, face mask, drill, vacuum/brush, grout scraper, grout float, notched trowel, putty knife, rag, hammer, spacers, chisel and painter’s tape

Materials - Grout, mortar and replacement tiles

Most of these tools and materials can be bought from a hardware store at a low price depending on the amount you need for the project.

Steps For Tile Repair

Put on the safety glasses and face mask before beginning tile replacement to prevent dust particles from getting in your eyes and lungs.


  1. Check The Floor Before you begin the tile repair in Parker, you need to be sure if the crack is serious enough to warrant a replacement and how many tiles you need to replace. Once you are sure, order replacement tiles and necessary tools and materials if you don’t have them. Make sure that the tiles match the existing pattern.

  2. Scrape Grout To remove the broken tile, you first need to loosen it. Use a grout scraper with serrated edges to scrape the grout around the damaged piece. Make sure that you don’t damage the surrounding pieces. If you have to remove multiple pieces close by, you can scrape grout around them too.

  3. Protect Surrounding Pieces Before moving to the next steps, cover the edges of the pieces around the broken tile with painter’s tape to protect them.

  4. Drill Tile Drill, the damaged piece to make it easier to remove. Drill the holes with even gaps in between. Use a ¼ inch bit to drill the piece.

  5. Remove Piece Use a hammer and chisel to loosen the piece and remove it. Start chiseling from the center then move towards the center. Place the chisel on the piece and tap it lightly to chisel. Angle the chisel at a right angle to remove the glaze, if any, and then at forty-five degrees. Remove the broken pieces and dispose of them.

  6. Remove Old Thinset The old thin-set that attached the old piece to the floor may get in the way to the new piece and cause it to bulge. Remove the old layer with a chisel and hammer or by scraping it with a putty knife. Also, scrape any dust and debris that may remain on the edges.

  7. Clean Gap Clean the gap with a vacuum or brush. Get rid of all dust and debris to make space for the new piece.

  8. Lay New Tile Apply some mortar to the floor with a notched trowel in straight furrows. For extra adhesion, apply some to the backside of the new tile as well. Place the new piece in the gap and push it in firmly such that it’s even with the rest of the floor. Make sure there’s enough gap between it and the surrounding pieces. Use spacers if needed. Wait for the mortar to dry, the time needed may vary depending on the manufacturer.

  9. Pour Grout Once the thinset dries, mix the grout as instructed by the manufacturer and pour it in the gaps around the new piece using a grout float. Wait for fifteen minutes until it hardens, then wipe any grout that smears the tile’s surface with a rag. Then wait for twenty-four hours until the grout dries.

Repeat these steps for other damaged pieces if needed.


Construction companies Westminster

Are you willing to hire a home contractor for the construction of your home? There are a few things that you need to know about before you head on to make any such step. Getting into a home construction is no less than a big deal for which you need to be really particular about who you are willing to trust. Houses have been one of the biggest means of investment for the past many decades. Their construction cannot be taken lightly as even with a single thing going wrong, you can face a massive loss. Well, this can be on any terms, that is, the look or the build-up. So before you make your way to any of the construction companies in Westminster, we are here to cater to you with a set of tips that can help you with hiring the right contractor for your home. All you need to do is to scroll down and have a look at these bunch of amazing tips. Go through them to avoid going wrong.

Get recommendations

You must consider taking recommendations for the home contractors from people whom you trust a lot. Somebody who is close to you would never let you make your way to the wrong people. Try getting in touch with your friends or family members who can get you to the right person. You can also consider contacting people in your neighborhood for the same. After all, recommendations are meant to be genuine. But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t interview the person or find out more about him. Well, you can also consider surfing the internet to get in touch with the best construction companies in Westminster. Once you have a few numbers, consider moving to the next tip.

Telephonic interviews are a must

Now that you have a well-compiled list of numbers, make a call to each of them and ask a bunch of questions that are mentioned below.

  • Do they take on projects of your size?

  • Are they willing to cater to you with financial references, from the suppliers or the banks?

  • Can they show up with a list of previous clients?

  • How many other projects would they be handling at the same time?

  • For how long have they worked with their subcontractors before?

Once you find someone of your expectation, move to the next tip.

Meet them face to face

Depending on the telephonic interview you took of them, pick up for around 3 to 4 contractors who are up to your expectation mark and call them to meet you in person. This is important to avoid getting fooled by any of the contractors. That one contractor you would choose out of many should be checked upon in the state’s consumer protection agency to know if they have any bad history with other consumers. Try collecting facts on them and move to the next step.

Investigate the facts

The bunch of facts that you have in your notebook needs to be verified in order to avoid making any mistakes. For this, you could consider getting in touch with their old clients to verify how they did on their work. But, make sure you do not trust the verified results completely. Try checking upon their websites to know their way of working. This is important in order to avoid facing any trouble in the future.

Make plans to get the bids

Once you have a contractor who works according to the ethics and has no bad past, its time to look ahead to your project. Consider sitting with your contractor to discuss the blueprint of what is going to happen. In other words, discuss the house map of your home with the contractor in order to get a perfect plan set to be executed.

People who are under a huge amount of debt beyond their reasonable ability to repay it can recover from it by filing for bankruptcy and start their life afresh. But it’s not the perfect solution for your debt problems. Filing for it can have some effects on your ability to borrow loans in the future. You need to consider all your options before filing for it. You can consult a bankruptcy attorney in Boulder to help you make your decision and navigate through the legal process. You also need to consider all the pros and cons of doing so which include the following:

Pros Of Filing Bankruptcy

  • Protects You From Harassment

Sometimes, collection agencies may turn aggressive threaten lawsuits, foreclosures, etc. The bankruptcy petition puts an automatic stay that prevents collectors from taking actions for collections such as repossessions, sending notices, wage garnishments, utility shutoffs, etc.

  • Debts Settled For A Lesser Amount

Your creditors have to agree with the amount of repayment that’s determined in your case which is less than the original debt. In some cases, the debt may be cleared completely. The court determines the amount based on your financial situation and the ability to repay the debt. Once the creditor agrees to the amount, they cannot change it later.

  • Possible To Not Lose Possessions

If you file your case under Chapter 13, you can keep your unprotected property while repaying the debt over 3 to five years. The amount you have to repay depends upon your non-exempt property’s value. In case you file it under Chapter 7, your residence and vehicle are exempt from liquidation so that you don’t have to restart your life from scratch. Consult your bankruptcy attorney in Boulder to know which plan is suitable for you.

  • Maintain Lifestyle

The petition prevents creditors from liquidating your home, meaning you need not start from scratch. Moreover, your employer cannot fire you from the job due to it and creditors can’t garnish your wages, so you can maintain some semblance of normalcy. However, this benefit may not apply to a rented apartment.

Cons Of Filing Bankruptcy

  • Not All Debts Can Be Cleared

You will still be liable to repay some debts like a federal student loan, state taxes, fines, child support, alimony, debt incurred through fraud, court order, etc. However, they can be controlled to some extent like rewiring how much gets repaid for three to five years.

  • May Lose Some Possessions

If you file under Chapter 7, some of your possessions like additional homes and lands may be liquidated to repay a portion of the debt as per the court’s discretion. This excludes your primary residence and your vehicle so that you don’t have to start from scratch. You need to give up your credit card when filing a bankruptcy petition so you may have trouble hiring many services where you require it.

  • Credit History Spoiled

It creates a black mark on your credit history. It reduces your credit points by a huge amount depending on your debt and stays on your credit report for seven to ten years. This makes it difficult for you to apply for loans, credit cards or other types of credits. Any loans you secure may come with high-interest rates. However, it’s not the end. You can recover your credit score by improving your borrowing and lending habits.

  • Cosigner May Still Be Liable

When you are adjudged bankrupt, your cosigners and guarantors are not exempt from the debt. So, creditors may approach them to repay the debt. This doesn’t always happen but it’s best to notify cosigners and guarantors before filing so that they can prepare themselves.

These are the basic pros and cons of filing for bankruptcy. Once you are adjudged bankrupt, you can restart your life afresh despite the drawbacks. However, you need to plan your finances carefully so that you don’t spend more than your capacity to repay.



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