When we talk about women handbags, we are instantly reminded of designer handbags, sling bags, etc., decorated with motifs and beads but this isn’t how it used to be. Once upon a time, handbags were only for the purpose of holding a woman’s essential items. Now, a few decades later, handbags have become an indulgence, an accessory that women like to invest in for their comfort or simply to make a fashion statement.
Today, the market is full of different kinds of handbags, from totes to clutches, sling bags and party clutches like golden clutches online, there is a wide variety. It all depends on the needs of a woman; the most important bag for a working woman can be a shoulder handbag in which she can carry all of her day-to-day items. A college-going student might need a sturdy yet stylish Backpack. These days style is what matters the most. A perfect example of this can be the ‘death-trap’ also known as stiletto heels, and women like to wear it because it accentuates their body.
The fashion industry is so prominent these days that anything new becomes the talk of the town. You must have seen weird kinds of dresses and accessories that make rounds, especially if its something that the celebrities promoted. These days, clutches are the latest trends. They come in different shapes, sizes and textures. Our e-commerce industry has grown so much that you can buy the most insignificant accessories such as a hair clip to designer golden clutches online.
You might think that the brands make all the difference but seriously, the only purpose a handbag fulfils is to carry your things in it. Then why should you invest your hard-earned money into something like a luxury handbag? Let us discuss the reasons why it can be a good investment.
Purchasing a luxury handbag can actually prove to be helpful for you. You might not expect it but buying these bags can save you money. Yes! You’ve read it right. Well, we know it may sound bizarre to you but it’s true. Investing in a luxury handbag does not mean that you have to spend your grocery money or your car payment on a purse and we are not advocating that college kids spend their student loan on an expensive item like this.
When it comes to purses, you should always go for quality over quantity.
Durability Matters. Girls spend years carrying cheap, vinyl, low-quality handbags just because they can’t afford it. They think that it is all the same and investing money into a luxury bag is like throwing it away on brand labels. Usually, you don’t like spending money on bags that are expensive but a well-made bag can last a long time. It can survive a long time of wear and tear, ultimately, you get the value for your money.
It might surprise you but you can repair any damage to your luxury bag for much less than you paid. Think about the most expensive bag that you have now. You must love it because it has been with you the longest than any other cheap bags that you may have. You can take care of your bags but unfortunately, you can’t save it from a sudden tear or damage. This, however, is no reason for you to worry. Just take your bag to a cobbler and it can be fixed.
Consider the resale value. When you buy a handbag, you investing your money in it. It is an accessory that is going to retain a portion of its original value for a long time. You will find that the resale value of your handbag after so long, is still pretty high. This is because you bought a branded handbag.
Customer service is key. With high-quality bags, comes good customer service. If you have any issue with your handbag, you can contact the customer service of the specific brand and get it all sorted out quickly. Whereas for cheap bags, you can’t do anything and it will be a waste of money.
How much are you actually saving on Luxury handbags? When you buy cheap and low-quality handbags, you’ll have to replace them sooner or later due to their inability to survive wear and tear. However, a luxury handbag won’t need to be replaced for years if they survive and even after that, your handbags can be resold for a good measure of value.