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Updated: Nov 11, 2019

Countertops are a staple when it comes to the modern-day kitchen. There are plenty of varieties and choices to pick from for the homeowner but it can be safely said that there are none better than granite in this case. It is excellent to go with. In case you want to avoid the hefty installation cost and do it yourself, we have broken down the steps for a granite countertop in Denver for you to look over and maybe even put it to use if need be.

Step 1: Order the granite countertops

  • It is essential to remember that your measurements for the granite countertops are absolutely accurate. There are services available that offer you fabricated countertops which eliminate the expensive fabrication process. The setup requires sheets of plywood to be laid out on top of the cabinets to help support the granite.

  • Granite comes in multiple patterns and styles. Choosing one depends on a lot of factors such as the color of the cabinets and even flooring, style of the kitchen and availability of the stone. Also, note that the edge of the counter should have a bullnose or any other style of the finished edge.

  • Delivery of these stones takes time hence plan your installation accordingly.

Step 2: Prep the Cabinets for the Countertops

  • Cut the plywood to fit on top of the base cabinets. The plywood helps support the granite and enables enough clearance for the finished edge to be done and be clear of the drawers and doors.

  • Ensure the plywood does not protrude out too far from the cabinet as that makes it prone to damage, to itself and you.

  • To attach the plywood to the cabinet frame with screws, drill a pilot hole to avoid splitting the hardwood face frame. Remember to center the screws into the frames underneath.

Step 3: Prepare to Install Granite Countertops

  • It is best to get some help when working with such stuff since they are heavy and can weigh as much as 200 pounds. Hence you must be gentle when handling it.

  • Provide ample space to keep the slabs around while installing them and keep them upright and make sure they fall get into a domino type break.

  • Create a template of the wall to get an accurate measurement for the granite and that will most definitely help in installation as well.

  • A circular saw serves best while cutting the stone.

  • Test fit the pieces by fitting them on the plywood and be careful when handling them.

Step 4: Cut the Plywood Sinkhole

  • Set the granite in place for the sink on the counter, trace around its edges and on the stone and the plywood.

  • Remove all slabs that were dry fitted.

  • Make hols in the plywood and use a jigsaw to cut the plywood.

  • Drop the sink in its place

Step 5: Join the Granite Seams

  • Level the seams for the slabs.

  • Use screws to adjust the height of the slab from underneath to raise and lower the countertop.

  • Use an accurate level to fine-tune since tips of the screws from underneath of the slab.

Step 6: Glue Granite Countertops Down

  • With some help, lift the granite and put big dabs of silicone around the perimeter of the cabinets.

  • Put down a bead of caulk around the sink’s rim.

  • Apply another bead of caulk on top fo the sink rim to help waterproof the gap between the sink and the countertop.

  • Slowly lower the granite back to its original position.

Step 7: Glue the Seams

  • Tape the seam with masking tape.

  • To fill the seams, apply a dab of a polyester-based resin and add some color to match the granite

  • Mix with the help of a putty knife

  • Compare color against the stone

  • Create different colors to blend into the seam

  • Add hardener only enough to apply ina five minute period

  • Apply a base coat that's neutral in color

  • Dab and smooth over as you go along

  • Apply the lighter shades first and the darkest shade last

  • Remove the masking tape as soon as you’re done so that it doesn’t dry off on the tape

  • 30 minutes, smooth over with a seam stone

  • Apply firm pressure over a slow speed

  • Small circular motions work best


AC is the most important unit for our day-to-day lives keeping us cool and comfortable in such hot summer days! Considering regular AC maintenance is a far better investment in the long run and it not only prevents unexpected malfunctions. Ac repair in port st lucie helps extend the lifespan of your air conditioner which eliminates the need for a new system in the future which will help your ac system run more efficiently along with saving your money on energy costs. It is important to keep your unit up-to-date, when it comes to keeping the HVAC system maintained and running well.

For the regular and better use of your unit, here are some steps to clean the external as well as internal unit of your AC easily!

Steps To Clean Internal Unit ( (Evaporator and Blower)

The evaporator unit installed indoors is what majorly helps to heat or cool the air inside your house. It works to heat pump which keeps the internal temperature comfortable. Evaporator coils get dirty easily, over time which tends to affect the rate at which it cools or heats the house. They require regular cleaning so there are no drops in efficiency.

Step 1: Clean the evaporator coil

The evaporator coil is the important unit place inside you AC which is usually found inside the blower getting lots of dust and debris accumulated within. With the help of a soft brush you can easily spray it with no-rinse-coil-cleaner which will help you get rid of certain deposits increasing the efficiency of the system.

Step 2: Clean the evaporator drain

A clogged drain can cause flooding which damages the floor causing the unit to cease functioning until it is drained of water. The drain pipe is usually an inch-wide called PVC pipe which either drains inside (sink or utility drain) or outside (near the condenser unit). To clean this, you can use a wet/dry vacuum cleaner to get rid of debris in the evaporator drain.

Step 3: Change the blower filter

This basically depends on the place you live. Dusty environment and surrounding actually necessitate you changing the filter, Something you need to look at is the airflow rating of the existing filter and the new filter element should match. The filter is usually found in the enclosure and mainly at the end of the fresh air return duct. Removing this from the enclosure is simple.

Steps To Clean The external Unit (Condenser and Compressor)

Step 1: Power off the Mains

Make sure to check if the power is running through the unit when you are cleaning or not. You can get this done by easily removing the breaker by moving from on to the off position.

Step 2: Clear debris and areas near the unit

The condenser fins is such an area where debris gets most stuck and this needs to be cleared. Use a rough paint brush for removing the debris. You also need to keep the area around the condenser free from plant growth or other objects at least a 2 ft radius around the unit.

Step 3: Clean And Straighten the Fins

For ac repair in port st. lucie, you can easily follow all the steps on your by just removing the clogged junk. For cleaning the fins, you may require an old dinner knife to effectively scrape any stuck on debris between the fins, and to reshape any fins that are bent.

Step 4: Cleaning the Condenser Fan

This is something which needs to be cleaned at regular intervals by wiping off with a damp cloth and then letting it dry under the sun.

Step 5: Cleaning Fins Inside Out

The accounts for the easiest method to clean the fins is by spraying water with a garden hose or even better, equipped with a hose nozzle. You need to take care that you don’t get water on the fan motor. If your fan motor doesn’t come with sealed bearings, then you must check your fans lubrication as well. A few drops of electric motor oil can help better.


Depending on the category, installing drywalls can be a great way to insulate the home’s interior from outer temperature, noise and fire. They can even be used to divide large rooms into two or three. But regardless of what type of material the gypsum board is made out of, it is susceptible to damage from impact, infestation, etc. After all, it is essentially a thin board of wood or other material, painted to look like the wall behind it. In many cases, experts need to be called in for drywall repair in Parker, CO but some minor damages can be fixed without the aid of experts. Here are some common drywall issues and methods to repair them.

Popping Nails

When the nails are not hammered into the stud they may come loose over time and pop up. Enough pooped nails could cause the entire panel to come loose. Hammering the nails in as it is will not solve the problem but worsen it by creating dents. Instead, you should pull the nails out and hammer them where they are supposed to be by estimating where the stud is. Once done, ensure that the nails are secured to the stud.

Bent Corners

The corners of the drywalls are joined together with a metal bead which can suffer impact from the furniture being moved and bend. This is a bit harder to fix. You will need to saw off the damaged part of the bead and replace it with a new one. You will need to measure the beads to avoid any mistakes. Once done, this part will need to be coated with a drywall compound and painted over with the color matching the rest of the wall.

Exposed Parts

At times removing posters or wallpapers may cause the paint over the sheetrock to come off leaving some sections exposed. If it hasn’t caused the panels to come loose, this problem can be fixed with repainting. The exposed part must first be sealed with an oil or shellac-based sealer to avoid damages from the paint itself. After the seal is applied, let the sealer dry then remove the rough papery texture by sanding it. Now apply a joint compound and once it dries, paint it.

Small Holes

From doorknobs to baseballs, about anything can make a hole in the wallboard with enough force. Fortunately, in most cases, the holes are small enough that a replacement is not needed. You can simply cover the holes by using a stick-on wall patch and covering this patch with the compound. Once done, let it dry and sand it for a smooth surface. And finally, apply a matching paint of the area. You can use the same method for fixing cracks as well.

Big Holes

Sometimes the hole may be too large for a mesh layer to cover up. In this case, the broken board must be replaced completely. This is simpler for sheetrocks divided into panels. The nails of the broken panel can be removed, then the panel itself and finally a new panel can be attached.

Water Damage

Sometimes, water from leaky pipes may seep into the drywall causing it to warp and discolor. If left as it is, the board could grow mold and release dust in the room harming your and your loved one’s health. To avoid this, first the pipes must be repaired. Then the drywall should be removed and replaced.

Termite Infestation

Because drywall is mainly made of wood, so a termite infestation should be of no surprise. The symptoms of termite infestation are usually not apparent until it’s too late because these bugs don’t show up often. You can check your boards for signs like small pinholes, hollowness, bubbling paint and crumbling baseboard. The first step is to call pest control to search and destroy the insects. Once done, you can conduct the appropriate drywall repair in Parker, CO safely based on the level of damage. In most cases, the entire pane needs to be replaced.

These are just some common wear and tear drywall goes through and methods to fix them.



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