Choosing the right style carpet might look like an interesting job. However, as soon as you come across hundreds of designs in the market, it would not take much time for you to lose interest in the same. The various different styles of carpets can be classified into a few categories with an idea to make your search easier. You can easily look for a range of services for Carpet Installation in fort collins that can be used according to the suitability level of your house. Another major point of consideration is that every style comes with its own unique look and also carries a separate individual set of benefits to cater to you with. We have compiled all the important aspects to prepare an ultimate guide for the different styles of residential carpets which would surely play a great role in helping you to make the right purchase. Take a glance!
Saxony has always been one of the most iconic carpet styles that you would ever come across. It happens to be the first picture that comes into the minds of the homeowners whenever they think of investing in the home-style carpet. The Saxony carpet comes being set of medium height that neither appears to be too long nor does it appear to be extremely short. Not just this but you can also look for anything and everything from the plush velvety look to a highly textured appearance in order to match the decor of your house and thus make an addition to the overall look and standards. Also, the textured Saxonies can cater to you with a less formal look to enhance the casual settings of your house.
Berber stands for flecked white or off-white carpets that have a patch of gray or dark brown on it. You can also refer to this as a style of carpet that stays in the loop. With the Berber style, you get catered with a complete range of designs including the small, large and chunky style loops as well. Despite being a product for the residential carpets, this style was highly used for the houses that were not for the purpose of entertainment in anyways. For example, the homes that got turned into the home offices or a part of the basement area. The reason behind this could be that they reflected an image of the commercial style carpets which came up being in a multi-colored look.
You can refer to this as an outstanding evolution of the shag carpets that accents the long and strongly twisted fibers. You might also come across people referring to them as the California shags that appear to be extremely durable as a result of their strongly twisted fibers. They might also appear as a bit messy to you but that is what they are all about. Not just this but they also strive to cater to you with the cozy, warm and inviting feeling. Another major point of consideration is that they might not be an appropriate choice for formal settings.
As the name suggests, this type of carpets is a definite combination of the fibers that are cut and those which remain looped. The cut and loop styles carpets come being in a wide range of textures and designs that are made to work with the decor of different style houses. Also, when we talk about the available patterns, you can feel free to choose from those that range from the geometric designs to the pin-dot styles. The suitability level of the cut and loop carpets depends upon the style, pattern, and designs that you are willing to fall for. Talking about the popularity, the linear patterns of this style has been trending for a while.