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Best Exercises To Strengthen The Back And Relieve The Pain

Writer: brittany wolfebrittany wolfe

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

In the past, bed rest would be enough for back pain relief, But today, rest causes the backache. Biologically speaking, the human body is meant to keep moving for most of the day. But between the desk job and traveling, you probably don’t walk all that much. The lack of daily activity weakens your backbone and muscles so much that pain immediately shoots up your spine when you lift your luggage. The solution is obvious, exercise. Exercising strengthens the bones and muscles preventing the chances of pain. Stretching also relieves the pressure in the back and relieves the pain. Here are some light exercises ideal for back pain:

Child’s Pose

This is perhaps the simplest exercise on this list. This pose improves your spine’s mobility by relieving the stress on your lower back. First, you need to kneel on all your limbs. Then sit on the balls of your feet and bend your head to the ground. Stretch your forearms forward until you feel a stretch on your back. Hold this pose for ten seconds before relaxing. Repeat the steps five times.


This exercise focuses on your glutes to stabilize your pelvis and hips. First, lie down on your left side with your elbow bent and your left hand supporting your head. Then, put your right leg and foot over your left ones. Bend your legs at a 45o angle. Place your right hand on your hip or on the floor in front of you to balance yourself. Lift the right knee slowly towards the ceiling while keeping the foot on the ground. Return the knee to its position slowly. Repeat the last two steps twenty times on both sides.

Trunk Rotation Stretch

This improves your spine’s mobility and relieves the stress on the muscles in your trunk’s sides. First, lay upon your back and bend your knees. Straighten your right leg. Twist your left leg towards your right side with your back pressed against the floor until you feel a stretch on your back. Hold for five seconds before relaxing. Perform this on both sides ten times.

Forearm Plank

This is a bit advanced method too good for you to ignore. It benefits all your core muscles making it perfect to strengthen your back. First, lie on your forearms with your elbows directly below the shoulders. The arms should be parallel to each other. Extend your legs behind and support your legs’ weight with your toes. This should form a straight line from your shoulders to your heels. Squeeze your core muscles and lift your haunches slightly below your shoulders to form a straight line with your lower back. Face your hands below to place your neck in a neutral position. Hold this pose for thirty seconds at least. You can extend the duration as it gets easier.

Cat-Camel Stretch

This exercise improves your back and abdomen strength and your spine’s movement. First, stand on all fours like a cat. Then arch your back towards the ceiling for five seconds. Then arch it towards the floor for five seconds. Repeat this step ten times on both sides.

Glute Bridge

Yet another one for your lower back. First, lie on your back with your knees bent up and your feet placed apart at a hip’s distance on the floor. Take a deep breath and lift your hips off the floor while you exhale slowly until your shoulders and knees form a straight line. Lower your hips as you inhale. Repeat the steps twelve times.

Bird Dog

This works wonders on all your core muscles and the paraspinal muscles in your lower back. It’s a bit challenging but the results are worth the effort. First, stand on your hands and knees like a dog. Then, extend your right arm forward and your left leg backward at the same time. Keep your back straight and hold this pose for five to ten seconds. Return to normal position and repeat the step with the other limbs. Repeat the steps eight times.

When you exercise, don’t overexert yourself. Doing that will only increase the problem that you are trying to fix or prevent. So, heavy lifting and stuff like that are out of the question. Daily light exercises and stretches mentioned above work the best.

And if you are looking for a chiropractic adjustment services, you should consult with a chiropractor in Denver , Where you can easily get all solutions about your health problems.




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