It goes without saying that homes built today are much different than the once built in the past. Other than the change in construction materials, processes and regulations, the most noticeable change is its window. In terms of the material’s quality, today’s windows are made with sturdier stuff that can last storms and baseballs. Other than that they are larger, give more view, are easier to use and are more stylish than the windows of the past. As time passes, window replacement companies in Aurora receive an increasing number of orders to give the owners’ houses a modern appearance by applying any or all of the following window trends in 2019:
Black Window Frames
Gone are the days of mild colored white and light brown frames, more and more people are going for pitch black frames. This trend it not just about turning the tradition of light frames on its head, black goes along with just about every type of architecture, traditional and modern. It works well for both interior and exterior frames. This color creates an outline around the view outside giving it a picture frame like view. If you aren’t a fan of pure black, you can try other dark shades like dark brown, dark green or barn red for similar effects.
Gridless Windows
While window grids are the normalcy due to their homely feel and extra protection for the glass, more and more people are ordering gridless panels from window replacement companies in Aurora. This is because with no grids, windows have nothing obstructing the view letting people see what’s out there in its entirety which is much more pleasant to the eyes. As a bonus, you also get the maximum amount of sunlight coming through them letting you enjoy the benefits of vitamin D and your plants inside photosynthesize. With these factors gridless window is easily the more practical and pleasant option than grid ones.
Large Windows
Today’s windows aren’t just large, they go from the ceiling to the floor giving people a full view of what’s going on outside, especially if there are no grids blocking the view. Again, they let in more sunlight than their smaller counterparts. Most people opt for fixed inoperable frames which is quite useful during winters when you want less draft and more sunshine. Of course, operable variations are also available in the form of glass doors. They create a sense of largeness in small rooms. Instead of adding blinds or curtains, people prefer tints and one-way mirrors to let in light without compromising their privacy.
Sliding Windows
As more people choose large ceiling to floor windows for their homes it’s only natural that more sliding windows are being installed. After all, if you want your large windows to open you might as well turn them into doors and why swing them when you can slide them. They aren't just fun, they are easier and require less space than hinged windows. You are less likely to crash into someone when entering the balcony while sliding the door open rather than swinging them. Slides also work for smaller windows as they need less space to open and shut. They are also don't come loose as easily as hinged ones and are easier to repair.
Thin Frames
Another symptom of how badly people want to maximize their view. Narrowing the thickness of your window casing doesn’t just increase your view it adds a sense of sleekness and modernity to your frames.
Rectangular windows have lasted long enough. People are now going for other shapes like circle, oval, rhombus, triangles, etc. These shapes give you the option of using multiple materials and colors together. They especially ideal for abnormal room types like the attic with a sloping ceiling. If you choose to grid them, you can get better control over the light and wind entering the room.
These are just some of the latest trends that people are applying on their windows. These trends only show signs of increasing in popularity and will probably stay even in 2020 and beyond.