Spotting a rat or ant is a sign that you need to call pest control in Vero Beach. But just because you haven’t spotted a pest doesn’t mean that you don’t need to call an exterminator. Most pests are hard to spot because they are good at hiding. They tend to hide in areas you don’t frequent or notice often and come out during times when you are inactive. If you ever spot an insect or rodent, it could be a sign that there are more nearby. You can prevent them from growing in large numbers by checking a few common hiding spots at your home.
Check These Spots Before Calling Pest Control
Most pests enter your home in search of food and water, both of which can be found in the kitchen. If you tend to spill stuff, you might be leaving crumbs that attract them to the spot. Clean the countertops and floor regularly or as soon as you spill something. Never leave food items uncovered, store them in closed and covered containers.
Trash Bin
A trash bin is another spot where pests go to find food. If you leave it uncovered, the stench of rotting food inside will attract bugs and rodents to the spot. So cover the trash bin with a lid and throw the trash bags out often. Put some vinegar in the bottom of the bin to repel insects and rinse it to keep it clean.
Plants in your home and the yard provide pests with food and shelter. Plants with fruits may attract fruit-eating bugs while flowering plants may attract bees, wasps, etc. Piles of wood and leaves lying around create good hiding spots for rodents trying to hide from their predators. Plants close to your house may attract pests to the building. Check potted plants for bugs before bringing them to your home. Check your backyard for small holes used by ants and termites. Keep a vegetation-free perimeter of 4 feet around your home and cut grass and branches that grow closer to prevent rodents from climbing in.
Spiders like to weave their webs high on the ceiling where they are hard to spot. Cockroaches like to crawl on the ceiling to avoid getting squashed underfoot. Many bugs are attracted to light fixtures installed and die close to them. Clean the ceiling often with a brush to discourage spiders from weaving their webs there.
Piles Of Paper
If you have stacks of books, even those piled neatly, you might be providing some species of insects with food and shelter. Cardboard boxes and piles of paper are also vulnerable. Insects may eat the sheets, binding and glue damaging important documents over time.
The attic is one of those rooms that you don’t use often making it a good hiding spot for pests. Rodents, bats and birds in particular like nesting here because it is high, warm and dry. Some bugs may infest this place to feed on droppings, wood and textile. If you hear some noises in your vent, you should check this place.
The basement is another spot that most people don’t use making it a likely place for an infestation. It is dark and damp, making it a possible breeding ground for bugs.
Most people use the garage only when they need to drive or park the car, so pests may go unnoticed in this area. It’s dark and may have many boxes lying around making it a potential breeding ground. The garage door may allow rodents to enter the home easily.
Some rodents may infest the car’s hood or trunk because they are dry and warm making. They can wreak havoc on the vehicle by chewing cables and floor mats. Spiders, fleas, cockroaches and bed bugs also infest vehicles often.
These are just some of the most common spots that you should check for an infestation before calling pest control in Vero Beach County if needed.