When it comes to web hosting, there are free services as well as premium ones and one may wonder why to spend money on a premium service when there are free services available in the market. A free website hosting service is one where you do not need to pay any money. While it is possible to build a website in one of these free hosting services, they often come with a set of limitations and restrictions in terms of usage.
Premium web hosting services in Denver however, have many additional advantages and features that allow more freedom to the owner. With a premium hosting service, you can have the guarantee that they won’t fade out in the future and you’ll also have the adequate bandwidth and storage to offer optimum functionality. There are many other benefits of a premium hosting service and the following are some of the striking benefits of premium web hosting.
Cyber Security
A large number of websites are being hacked every day, which can create a lot of disruption in your business. A premium web hosting service provides an adequate amount of security for your website. They come with in-built server-side security and strong firewalls that protect your website against malicious attacks and security breaches. Along with strong security, it also gives you the feature to scan your website for vulnerability or any attacks and also notifies you in case something has become potentially vulnerable. Also, in case of serious threats, if you do not respond within time, it will deactivate any plugins that have become vulnerable.
Easy Backup And Restore
A premium web hosting service makes daily backup very easy and it can be done only within a few clicks and not only this, they will allow you to restore data within 30 days as well. Many premium hosting services also offer the option of single-click backup when updating the website. This makes it easy for you to restore the website in case an update breaks it. If you use a free hosting service, you can backup your data without any hassle but restoring the data is not as easy and smooth as it is in the case of a premium website.
Control And Optimize
While services like web design and social media services in Denver are useful for improving the performance of your website, it is also important to select the right web hosting service. With a premium service, you have the complete freedom of controlling and optimizing your content and no third party can touch your content unless you violate any serious hosting rules. And not only do you get to optimize your content as per your preference but you will also have multiple features that allow you to optimize the website better in order to perform better in search engines. Overall, premium websites are great for improving the performance o0f your website in search engines.
Better Customer Service
This is one of the major benefits of picking a premium web hosting service. Having a live person to attend to your problem in times of problem is a great benefit. During the times, when you encounter a problem with web hosting, you may end up looking for solutions in forums, browsing endlessly for hours. This can be pretty stressful and also waste a lot of your time. With good customer service, you do not have to go through all this trouble, you can simply pick up the phone and get the job done.
Staging Servers For Safe Testing
With premium web hosting services in Denver you get the feature of a staging server. Staging servers give you a safe space to copy all your site data and make updates on themes and plugins, etc. Make changes to your site, do all the development work, and test it offline. Once, you have done all the changes to your requirements, you can make the website live in a single click.
Summary: A premium web hosting service has many benefits. From added security to added performance-enhancing features, a premium website hosting service allows you to mold your website to the best of its functionality.