You might have visited a chiropractor for back pain in Lakewood at some point in time. It’s the second most common reason for visiting a doctor with about eight percent experiencing it at some point. Causes of back pain include but are not limited to sprain, fracture, injury, spinal stenosis, arthritis, etc. If mild, it usually goes away after a week of rest. If severe, it could symptomize a greater problem that needs professional attention. Being overweight and inactive are other major reasons behind pain in the back. There are many habits that one can incorporate in their daily lives that can help prevent the pain like:
Light Exercise
Weak back muscles and joints are more likely to strain, causing pain. Strong back muscles help you lift more weight and take more strain without causing pain. Light exercises like walking and jogging improve the blood flow to your spine giving it more nutrients. Yoga improves your back’s flexibility and mobility, and reduces stress-induced pain. During back pain, light exercise can relieve back pain by reducing muscle tension. Exercises that focus on the core muscles, like the plank, are ideal. However, heavy exercises like weight lifting should be avoided as they could strain the back. Exercise also helps you regulate your weight and prevents obesity, another cause of back pain.
Calcium And Vitamin D-rich Diet
The weakness of bones is another cause of backache. Lack of calcium and vitamin D can cause bone diseases like osteoporosis that makes the bones weaker. Calcium is the building block of the bones and vitamin D helps absorb it. Milk, yogurt and leafy greens are rich in calcium while fatty fish, egg yolks, beef liver and cheese give you vitamin D. Exposure to sunlight for some time helps your skin produce vitamin D. You may use supplements if you don’t get enough vitamins and calcium from your daily diet. A protein-rich diet can help you develop your back muscles keeping them strong.
Quit Smoking
Backache is another side effect of smoking. This is because the nicotine in the cigarettes blocks the flow of blood to the spine. This can lead to the spine to dry, crack or rupture. Smoking also cuts the amount of oxygen in the blood which reduces the amount of nourishment the muscles and tendons in the back receive. This makes the back weaker and can lead to strain.
Lift Weight Properly
Don’t bend your back to lift heavy objects, this creates a strain on the back. Instead, straighten your back, bend down with your knees and stand up when lifting the object. This puts the main strain on your leg muscles and prevents strain on the back. You should also use a messenger bag rather than a backpack because this distributes the weight across your back evenly preventing weakness. You should also switch hands when carrying packets or briefcases. Try not to carry too much weight daily.
Proper Posture
Improper posture shifts the weight and the strain on your neck and lower back causing ache. When sitting, don’t lean your head forward, keep your back straight and your knees above your hips. Also, use a backrest and armrest to support your back. When sleeping, if you sleep on your back, use a pillow below your legs to take some weight off your back. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees to maintain a good posture. Avoid sleeping on your abdomen because it causes your spine to bend downwards. When standing, don’t lean forward, keep your back straight.
With these daily habits, you can prevent back pain though you might experience it despite the precautions. If the pain is mild, a few days rest can heal it. If it is severe or doesn’t go away after a few days, then you might want to visit a doctor or a chiropractor for back pain in Lakewood.