Most people don’t realize that their rooftop needs fixing until rainwater seeps through. But you don’t have to wait for the rainy season to know whether you should be searching for roofing repair companies in Port St. Lucie or not. You can notice some signs just by looking at your house from the outside, e.g. sagging roof, missing shingles, etc. You may need to search for some signs like black granules clogging your gutters. If the damage is limited to a few areas then you might not need a complete replacement. But you may need a complete replacement for major damages.
When To Call Roofing Repair Companies
Old Roof
A rooftop can last between twenty to seventy years depending on the materials they are made out of. Asphalt rooftops come with a twenty-year warranty and last up to twenty-five years. Check your house records to see if you need a replacement.
The roof deck consists of support beams that hold them up and keep them straight. If your roof deck is sagging then you need to call roofing companies in Port St. Lucie to prevent it from falling.
The only plants that should be growing on top of your home are the ones you plant up there. You can clean the moss yourself with baking soda but should check for signs of water damage or leakage.
Sometimes, water may remain on the roof after rain or snowfall for forty-eight hours or longer. This normally happens on a terrace or low slope. This may cause some structural issues that you might want roofing companies in Port St. Lucie to fix.
Clogged Gutters
Over the years, shingles break off into tiny, black, sandy granules that look like coarse sand. These granules may fall into the gutters and clog them. The granules may also fall on other areas around your home.
If you notice moisture seeping through your roof after rainfall or snowfall then you need to fix it before it becomes worse. If the problem occurs due to poor underlayment then you need a complete replacement.
Missing/Damaged Shingles
Shingles tend to fall off as your roof ages. You can replace a few bent, broken or damaged shingles. If your shingles fall off during a storm then your roofing might be close to its expiry date.
Damaged Flashings
If the flashing around the chimney, skylight or other areas are damaged then they might leave gaps in the roofing that may lead to leakage. You can fix or replace them to solve the issue.
Paint Wearing Off
The leak might cause the paint inside and outside to bubble, peel or stain. You should fix the roofing before repainting the house.
Water Stains Inside
In some cases, the leakage might not be enough to wear off the paint but may leave water stains on the walls and ceilings inside. This may lead to mold growing inside if left unchecked.
Light Seeping Through
If you notice the sunlight entering your attic through the roof then it might have some cracks or gaps. You can test this by flashing some light downward with someone to take notes from below.
Rising Energy Bills
The roof plays a role in insulating the house from the weather outside. If it’s not properly insulated then it may let sunlight in during summers and warm air escape during winters causing your HVAC bills to rise.
Fire Damage
A rooftop burnt to the ground is an obvious sign you need repairs. Other than the reasons mentioned above, faulty wiring can also cause a rooftop fire. You should have your entire home inspected for necessary repairs.
Debris On Top
A big branch on top of your house is another sign that you need to search for good roofing companies in Port St. Lucie. This is a common problem occurring during the storm season. In some cases, the damage is minimal so you don’t need a complete replacement.