Chiropractic if of greek origin meaning broken down into two words meaning hands and practice. Chiropractic manipulation is the process of applying pressure to the spine or other areas of the body to help adjust and correct the alignment done by a qualified holistic chiropractor in Denver and around the country of chiropractic. Its objective is to reduce and alleviate pain and improving mechanical function. What most people do not know that this involves multiple techniques and the professional chooses which one to apply based on the problem at hand. Below some techniques are detailed for your knowledge.
Chiropractic BioPhysics Adjusting Technique
Biophysics is an advanced technique that helps restore spinal alignment, corrects posture and eliminates spinal curves that may affect biological functions. Chiropractic BioPhysics goes way beyond correcting alignment to identify the underlying issues using biology, physiology, physics, geometry and anatomy.
Webster Chiropractic Technique
The founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA), late Larry Webster, D.C., developed a technique that enables chiropractors to restore balance to a pregnant woman's pelvis. This technique is an apt choice for prenatal care and is a safe treatment choice for pregnant women to undergo since this helps cope with the demands on their body. The Webster technique is used for the restoration of neuro and biomechanical function of the pelvis, and furthermore, reduces stress on the sacral joint.
Diversified Technique
The Diversified Technique is the most common chiropractic technique and is different from others since its objective is to restore proper movement and alignment to the spine. This form of spinal manipulation consists of short, fast force applied to specific joints that are responsible for motion, stretch out the surrounding muscles and uplift stimulation in the nervous system and every holistic chiropractor in Denver and around the world knows this technique and is well versed in it. These adjustments use specific manual thrusting that is supposed to go deep into the joint. This helps alleviate mechanical distortions of any kind in the spine or joint within the joint cavity, and also helps stretch out the soft tissue, which may have formed around the misaligned joint. By restoring the spine or joint to its proper position with the help of adjustments, the fluids and subsequent tissue move more freely, thereby easing pain and discomfort and restoring mobility to the affected region.
Acupuncture improves body function and improves the healing process by stimulating specific acupuncture points. It is one of the oldest healing practices used across the world. Multiple researches have shown acupuncture’s positive effect on most of the body's systems, such as nervous, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular and digestive systems.
The most common method in this technique uses fine, sterile needles gently inserted into the skin. Acupuncture helps release blocked energy in the body and promote optimal body function. Many clinical studies support the benefits of using acupuncture in treating and relieving pain, stimulating the nervous system, relieving symptoms of anxiety and depression, addressing digestive issues, reducing chronic headaches and migraines and much more.
Pettibon Weighting System Technique
The Pettibon Weighting System is the technique that corrects your nervous system, reflexes, innate energy, and spinal muscles to correct the spine and posture as they react accordingly to the weights placed on the head, shoulder and hip. This technique leads the muscles in focus to relax while others contract, thereby helping pull and hold the spine upright and posture into proper alignment with the help of gravity. To better balance the body with the weights on it, the nervous system causes the affected spinal muscles to relax and others to contract, thereby repositioning and correcting the spinal posture relative to gravity.
NeuroMechanical Instrument Adjustment Technique
This chiropractic technique is used to help restore the body's balance and function. This treatment option employs gentle tapping with the help of certain instruments that stimulate and further help with spinal alignment without the traditional twisting and popping motion. It’s an effective choice for certain health issues, or even for those who simply prefer it since it helps them relax and let loose.