You can learn a lot about a person by looking at their tattoos. They’re not the perfect personality profiles, but people use them to express their deepest thoughts, life values, unwavering love and much more. And with increasing acceptance, more people are turning to tattoos to express themselves, though many still choose to be discreet about it. The body part you get inked can also say a lot about your personality, so if you are considering getting some tattoo stencils in Denver to express yourself then you should consider where you are going to place it, especially if you are a first-timer.
What Your Tattoo Placement Says About You
1) Neck
You can consider people with tattoos on their necks to be brave because this area is quite sensitive. Many people with long hair ink the back of their neck so that they can hide or expose it by setting their hair. It shows that they want the freedom to change their opinions without any consequences. People who ink the front part are open and firm about their opinions because this area is visible most of the time.
2) Forearms
Forearms are favorites for many first-timers who plan on getting more tattoos in the future and for repeaters. You can say that they are bold and proud of their tattoos because they tend to leave their forearms uncovered. This placement shows how tough you are, especially if you get something strong like a tiger tattoo in Thorton, though many people prefer softer designs like flowers and butterflies to show that they may be tough on the outside but are soft on the inside.
3) Arms
You can tell if a person is bold or discreet by the size of the tattoo on their arms. People with small tattoos on the upper arms want to be discreet about it and those with large tattoos covering the entire region tend to be bold about their art. A person with a large tattoo covering just the upper arm is somewhere in between.
4) Chest
Many ink this area to represent something very close to their hearts like those they love and events that define them because this area is the closest to the heart. You could use this placement to express your love as well. Many ink this area to keep it personal and only expose it to those close to them. Many expose this area often to show confidence in themselves. If you already have some tattoos in this area, you can add some more to create one large theme.
5) Ribs
Rib cage can be a sensitive region, those who get it tattooed are resilient. They can also be considered bold and confident about their bodies if they expose this region often. They often use large and complex designs. Tattoos on the left ribs may have a deep meaning for them because like the chest, this region is the closest to the heart.
6) Back
Back tattoos are pretty low-key since the person can’t see it often. People get tattoos for this area to represent something they hold important but don’t need to look at often to remember like their life motto, an important phase of their life, etc. People with tattoos in this area tend to be mysterious and bold. Many chose a normally visible spot or expose the part often.
7) Ankle
People who ink their ankles tend to be shy and discreet about their decisions. They most likely chose this area since it’s hard to notice and can be hidden with some socks. It also shows a mysterious and wild side that they hide from others. People tend to use simple designs like a tiger tattoo in Thorton to express a deeper meaning. Many ink this area as a sign of remembrance for someone close they lost.
8) Calves
Calves are preferred by athletic people because they usually wear shorts when practicing or working out. This area is large and can be used to ink intricate designs to tell a special story.
These are some popular tattoo positions and what they say about you. Keep them in mind when you get tattoo stencils in Denver.